Intro to LD: Using Skates

When loading casualties with broken, locked or flat tires on a carrier, the wheels must still be able to move along the ground to be loaded on the flatbed. The WreckMaster skate can be placed under wheels that are not able to roll to help the casualty slide on to the flatbed. For wider tire bases, multiple skates can be connected to accommodate larger tires. Skates can also be used in conjunction with other tools and equipment to address issues such as broken ball joints. Skates can also be used as a small ramp if the edge of carrier must be overcome.


The WreckMaster skate can be one of the simplest to set up but effective tools for an operator. When a wheel is locked or flat, the skate can be installed by laying it in front of the tire and hammering the skate under the wheel by sliding a block of wood into it. Alternatively, a mallet can be used to install the skate by placing a block of wood in front of the heel of the skate and hammering it gently into place. Do not use a mallet or sledgehammer on the skate directly, as it can jam the skate too far under the wheel, causing damage to the wheel and skate.

When using the skate on a casualty with a missing tire or broken ball joint, a block of wood can be used to rest the casualty’s ball joint on and the skate can be placed under the block of wood. This will allow the casualty to slide freely onto the carrier or into a more suitable location for towing.