Passenger Car Uprighting


In this technique, we take a strap and wrap it around the wheel and under the roof of the car. Extend your boom, winch in with the winch line, then boom up and the car will flip over behind the tow truck.

This is a very simple technique and when it is done properly (after practicing in private), is very easy to do.


This is a great technique to utilize when you find that you will need a control line.

Using a piece of rope and a shackle- take the rope and make a loop, put the eye of the rope up through the shackle, and take the tail and go up through it.


The cruse loop is laid along the inside of the tires. A line is extended from the quarter panel, as well as one at the fender. Marry the line along the underside where it has been laid across the tire. The loop is then ran through a buckle and to the boom.

When sliding, make sure that the casualty is pulling evenly. We do not want the front or the back coming first. This make take an adjustment with the pin and buckle until the casualty pulls out straight.

Once you know that you are pulling it out straight, you will then winch in with your winch line, and when you run out of wire rope- you will boom up. As you boom up, this will pull the bottom of the car up and out.

This is where you control line (the Munter Hitch) will come into play. You will hold on to this line to help guide the casualty from hitting the wall.