Intro to LD: Your Mental Toolbox


Would you think it would be unreasonable if you were asked by your employer, a customer, or one of your fellow employees, one or more of the following questions?

What is the Static Weight or Gross Vehicle Weight (G.V.W.) and the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (G.V.W.R) of the tow truck or carrier you are operating?

How much does each axle weigh on the tow truck or carrier you are currently operating and what is the trucks actual tow capacity?

What are the Legal Requirements for the use of Secondary Attachment Chains and for the use of Towing Lights?

What is the first thing you should do after loading a vehicle onto the deck of a carrier or trailer?

What are the Requirements for Securing a Vehicle on the deck of a carrier or trailer?

What is the Size & Grade of Chain on the tow truck or carrier you are currently operating and what is its’ Working Load Limit (W.L.L.)?

What is the Size of Wire Rope on the winch of the tow truck or carrier you are currently operating and what is its’s Working Load Limit (W.L.L.)?

What is the maximum Load you should ever place on your winch?

What are the Four Basic Types of Resistance we encounter in Towing, Transport or Recovery almost everyday?

What are the Four Basic Types of Resistance we encounter in Towing, Transport or Recovery almost everyday?

Are you; the operator, always responsible for your actions?

If your answer to any of the above questions includes: I Think, I Guess, It Should, It Ought To, I’m Not Sure or I Don’t Know (only you know what your answer is).

You may wish to consider learning the answer to these and many other questions.