Keep a Clear Head

Keeping a clear head is essential when providing quality customer service and managing risks while on scene. Maintaining complete focus and attention to the task at hand will not only keep you and those around you safe, it can save your life. WreckMaster recommends remembering the following phrase:

While it is extremely difficult to “leave your problems at the door,” feelings of grief, anger and anxiety can create an unsafe working environment. If your emotions are getting the best of you, there is no shame is admitting you are unfit for work a scene. Pride is never more important than safety.

Finally, the most important step in keeping a clear head is to maintain zero tolerance. This applies to alcohol, recreational drugs or any medication that can impact how efficiently you operate your truck and equipment.


In addition to emotional distress, multitasking and attempting to do too much at once can lead to important actions being overlooked or forgotten. To ensure you do not lose focus, approach your recovery one step at a time. Be sure to double check everything before moving on to the next step.

WreckMaster recommends adhering to a strict, pre-designed routine for every technique and to not deferring from it. This will keep you forgetting any crucial steps while facing distractions on scene.