Lock Outs

A common service thaany operator shoulbablthandlis a customethailockeout of theivehiclewhetheiis a local customer or being done on behalf of a motor clubOpening lockevehicldoors carange from simpltextremeldifficuldepending on thvehicle.


There was a time where inner door tools were the most commonly used pieces of unlock equipment. As vehicles change the tools an operator uses for unlocks have changed with it. The most commonly used tools for unlocks today are wedges, air pumps and the long reach tool.

The air pumps and wedges are used to create a space between the window of the vehicle and the frame of the car door. The long reach tool can then be used to unlock the vehicle by pressing the unlock button or opening the door handle. When wedging the door open, damage to the vehicle can occur if done improperly. Do not use any of these tools without having proper training from an experienced operator.

Disclaimer: Only towing professionals are entitled to this information. Unlocking methods are to be used strictly for professional reasons.